Copenhagen Masterclass Registration

Change Leadership: The Dialogic Mindset and Generative Change

Join Gervase Bushe and Jacob Storch in Copenhagen this April for a 2 day Masterclass in Change Leadership

April 29-30
Fee: 1,200 € for corporate participants
900€ for non-profit and self-employed

Research has consistently found that a Dialogic Mindset is a superior approach to change leadership versus the Kotter/Change Management approach, particularly when dealing with complex, wicked, adaptive challenges.  In a world of increased complexity and uncertainty developing a dialogic mindset is pivotal to success. In this masterclass, Gervase will share his latest findings on leading and facilitating organizational change to produce rapid, transformational results.

Examples of studies:

Hastings & Schwartz, Leading Change Processes for Success. J of App Beh Sci, 2022, Vol. 58(1) 120–148

Giacomini, Rocca and Tonoli. Exploring Materiality and Stakeholder Engagement in European Water Utilities’ Sustainability Strategies, Organizational Practices, and Reporting. Business Strategy and the Environment. Epub ahead of print 2024.

Hastings. Guidance for successful healthcare transformation: A systematic review of change management practices and outcomes. Australian Journal of Management, 2025.

During the masterclass you will

  • Understand the basic requirements for rapid transformational change.
  • Identify ways to engage leaders in this new way of leading change.
  • Confront and compare your current beliefs and practices with the Dialogic Mindset.
  • Work on a live case, applying generative change principles to deepen your understanding and ability to bring these processes into your change practice.

Gervase is the Professor of Leadership and Organization Development at the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. Since his award-winning 2009 article introducing the concept of Dialogic Organization he has been regarded as an international thought leader in Dialogic Development with over 40 years of consulting to leaders creating outstanding teams and organizations. He has over 100 publications and won numerous awards. Gervase edits and publishes the BMI Series in Dialogic Organization Development and leads long-term programs for developing Dialogic OD skills inside organizations. He is known for his highly experiential courses that get high ratings from professionals and managers. Read about his life and practice in the Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers
Jacob is an entrepreneur within dialogic and appreciative consulting practices in the Nordic countries. He has built the largest consulting organization I Denmark working from a dialogic, systemic and constructionist mindset. He holds a doctorate in systemic practice and has published internationally, specifically together with Gervase Bushe on Generative Change in the highly acclaimed book on Dialogic Organization Development. Currently he is CEO of CRECEA, a leading work environment and safety consulting firm in Denmark.
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